Aamir is a film actor, I also have a favorite but the country is the most favorite: Uma Bharti

Aamir is a film actor, I also have a favorite but the country is the most favorite: Uma Bharti

Bollywood actor Aamir Khan’s visit to Turkey’s First Lady has sparked controversy and is being discussed on social media. Now BJP leader Uma Bharti and Vishwa Hindu Parishad have also questioned Amik Khan’s visit to the Turkish president’s wife. Relations between Turkey are not good. No one likes Aamir’s visit to Amin Erdogan, Turkey’s first lady.

Senior BJP leader Uma Bharti has also issued a statement on the matter. Is a favorite but the country is the most favorite for us. He should remember that you cannot take any liberty in the matter of the identity of the country.

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The VHP questioned Aamir, who was embroiled in controversy, saying that some actors were pursuing national interests for their own economic interests, some were embracing the Pakistani side and some were trying to get their blessings from the First Lady of Turkey.

VHP National Spokesperson Vinod Bansal said that this is Turkey. He did not oppose the 40’s. He opposed the Ram temple. He tried in vain to interfere in India’s internal affairs and also opposed India at the international level. Did his blessings remain for you?

Aamir Khan has recently left India for Turkey to shoot his upcoming film Lal Singh Chadha, where he will shoot the next schedule of the film, but he is already embroiled in controversy.

Aamir’s visit is being opposed because of India-Turkey relations. Turkey had opposed the removal of 20 from Jammu and Kashmir. He spoke to Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan and assured him of Pakistan’s support on the Kashmir issue. The President of Turkey is known for making anti-India statements.

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