Legislative Council Deputy Chairman Dharmegowda was found dead on a railway track close to Kadur of Chikkamagaluru in the state on Tuesday morning. A suicide note was additionally recovered at the side of the body.
Dharmegowda’s body has been taken to the Shimoga government hospital for any investigation.
IGP West has aforementioned, “The matter is beneath investigation. There was a death note recovered from the positioning however cannot provide out details of what is in it.”
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JDS leader and former Prime Minister HD Deve Gowda aforementioned, “It is surprising to be told the news of Deputy Speaker of State legislative assembly and JDS leader terrorist group Dharmegowda’s suicide. He was a relaxed and tight man. this is often a loss of the state.”
A few weeks agone, state legislative assembly Deputy Chairman Dharmegowda was forced down from the Chairman’s seat because the BJP with the assistance of the JDS needed to dislodge the Chairman through a no-confidence motion.
This result in significant chaos within the state legislative assembly with BJP, Congress, and JDS leaders offensive one another.
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