Actors Sidharth Shukla and Gauahar Khan, the Bigg Boss 14 toofani seniors who are within the house for two weeks with Hina Khan for company, aren’t known for his or her cordial terms apart from their fights. However, each day could also be a replacement day on Bigg Boss 14 then are peoples’ reactions. within the last episode of the reality TV program, Sidharth was seen getting flirty with Gauahar.
Gauahar is known for her spunk and warm attitude within the house. Ever since she had made an entry into the house, inmates have seen her execute her kitchen duties with warmth and sort words. She has been making food, serving tea and occasional to all or any or any contestants. Well, she did so to Sidharth also and before she could realise, he was flirting alongside her. He told her: “Aap aise chaai laakar dengi, khaana dengi laake, mujhe pyaar ho jaayega phir (If you keep serving tea and food, ready to | I’ll”> I will be able to fall crazy with you).” Gauahar giggled as he said so.
Later, Sidharth teased her about her boyfriend Zaid Darabar and made a selected mention of a hot dance video she had shared a short time back on Instagram. As he talked about it, all three seniors burst out laughing.
It may be recalled that few days back, Sidharth had been seen narrating his mother’s response with Gauahar. Sidharth had said how when he had introduced his girlfriend to his mother, it had been tough convincing her. “When a boy is growing up, a girlfriend is like ‘respect’, specially jab aap boy school se ho (having a girlfriend earns you ‘respect’, especially if you’re from a boys’ school).”
He mentioned how he told his mother, “Mom, meri girlfriend hai (Mom, this is often my girlfriend).” His mother had responded, “Haan haan, theek hai na friend hai, ladki hai, hai na? (Ok, ok, she’s a devotee and a girl).” He had continued, “I used to repeatedly tell her that she is my girlfriend. My mom was just unable to simply accept that hua chokra jawaan re (her boy is growing up).”
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These have mostly been brief interludes to an otherwise combustible relationship. At the very start of the new season, Colors had released a promo video, during which Gauahar had called him a gali ka gunda (street hoodlum). “Hashtag gali ka gunda, baat karne ki tameez nahi (a hoodlum who doesn’t have manners).”
She had told Salman Khan, “I have a haul with gaalis (abuses),” to which Sidharth had said, “Jaisa bhi tha, jo bhi tha, that was me (however it’s getting to have encounter , that was me).
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