Mickie James messages to WWE Boss after receiving ‘trash Order’, Triple H & Stephanie McMahon apologies

Mickie James messages to WWE Boss after receiving ‘trash Order’, Triple H & Stephanie McMahon apologies

The dismissed Mickie James always had an excellent reputation among her colleagues in the backstage area. But the 41-year-old, amazed because she now received mail from the WWE. Apparently some of her things sent to her, which she probably forgot in the ThunderDome. However, these valuables were in a blue garbage bag.

After an angry video on Instagram, Mickie James tweeted the following to the WWE Boss:

“Dear @VinceMcMahon, I’m not sure if you’ve heard, but I received my @WWE Care package today. Thank you.”


Several former WWE wrestlers have confirmed they have received similar mail from WWE. Next to Jillian Hall, Gail Kim asked, “Is that your subject? Are they still doing it?” And Maria Kanellis confirmed that she only received such a WWE Care package last year.

Just hours later, Triple H tweeted: “After learning of the disrespectful behavior some of our recently dismissed talent experienced on behalf of the company, we acted immediately. The person responsible for this reckless act was fired and is no longer with @WWE. ”

Chief Brand Officer Stephanie McMahon added to her husband’s tweet: “@MickieJames, I am ashamed that you and others have been treated this way. I apologize personally on behalf of @WWE. The person responsible is no longer in our company. “


John Laurinaitis also spoke up: “After learning of the disrespectful behaviour towards some of our recently dismissed talents, we acted immediately. The person responsible for this inconsiderate behavior was dismissed.”

As WrestlingInc reports, the Senior Director of Talent Relations Mark Carrano was fired. According to Fightful, John Laurinaitis called several dismissed superstars to apologize personally to them, as other superstars have probably received “garbage bag mail”.

Gail Kim added,


I know the WWE trolls are going to attack me, but Mark wasn’t a good person. I don’t think he should necessarily be held responsible for this incident, but I hope this karma makes him see and he wakes up, be a nice person and maybe things will change for you @TheHeaterMC.








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