Imagination is the limit; go out there and create some magic: Elon Musk

Imagination is the limit; go out there and create some magic: Elon Musk

At the Golden State Institute of Technology, Elon Musk spoke extensively on his vision. “If you return say, 300 years, the items we have a tendency to consider granted these days, you’d be burned at stake for. having the ability to fly. That’s crazy. having the ability to ascertain over long distances, having the ability to speak, having effectively with the net as a bunch mind of kinds, and having access to all or any the world’s data instantly from virtually anyplace on the world. these items that basically would be magic – that will be thought-about magic in times past,” he said.

“I continuously had associate degree existential crisis, as a result of i used to be attempting to work out ‘what will it all mean?’ Like what’s the aim of things? and that i came to the conclusion that if we will advance the data of the planet, if we will do things that expand the scope and scale of consciousness, then we’re higher ready to raise the correct queries and become additional enlightened. And that’s the sole manner forward,” he added.

He all over by spoken language, “I suppose the bold purpose i would like to create is you guys area unit the magicians of the 21th century, don’t let something hold you back. Imagination is that the limit. depart there and build some magic.”

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