Covid19 : In last 24 hours India reported 44000 new cases of Covid -19 and 738 deaths-.
Corona virus is still with us , after unlock people forgot about Corona.
They don’t wear mask when go outside. Social distancing is not following by the peoples . These are the habits which may increase the Covid -19 cases again.
Although everyone is aware about the third wave, the third wave is expected to come in the month of September and October.
Along with vaccination Covid appropriate behavior is also important.
Things are important to do to protect the third wave :-
- Vaccination
- Social distancing
- Mask
All three are like the weapon against Corona.
If the peoples of India consider these all things, we will definitely control the third wave .
The second wave of corona was very dangerous, People are facing many problems like Bed unavailability ,Oxygen crisis. People die due to lack of oxygen and it was expected that if the third wave come. India can ace more worse situation than before.
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