Kamaal R Khan slams Mika Singh as publicity-hungry ‘chirkut singer’
Actor and self-proclaimed critic Kamaal R Khan, better known as KRK, lashed out at singer Mika Singh for criticising him and defending actor Salman Khan. While KRK did not take any names as he lashed out at a ‘chirkut singer’, whom he claimed was seeking ‘publicity’, the tweet comes after Mika called him a ‘gadha (donkey)’ and ‘chuha (mouse)’.
KRK is being sued for defamation by Salman. While KRK has claimed that the lawsuit is a result of his unfavourable review of Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai, Salman’s lawyers said that it is in response to KRK’s allegations of corruption and money laundering against the actor.
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