Breaking News: Delhi lockdown extended till May 24 said by CM Arvind Kejriwal
Cm Arvind Kejriwal has announced lockdown till 24th May
Metro Services are suspended due to covid cases rising
Guidelines issued by Delhi Government
– Government officials, including employees of public sector units. They will have to show their official IDs.
– Employees working at Delhi government’s essential service departments, such as police, prisons, civil defence, fire, medical services, sanitation, etc.
– All judicial officers and staff members at all courts.
– All private medical personnel, including doctors, nurses, paramedics, pharmaceutical lab employees, medical equipment suppliers, etc.
– Pregnant women and patients for getting medical services along with an attendant. They will have to show a valid ID card and a doctor’s prescription.
– Persons going for the Covid-19 test or vaccination
– Persons going or coming from ISBTs, train stations and airports, on the production of a valid ticket.
– Media personnel
– Students going to exams and those deployed for exam duties.
– There shall be no restriction on interstate travel.
– Private employees working in the essential services sector
Not Allowed
All private establishments, shops, shopping centres, malls, weekly markets, restaurants/bars, coaching and educational institutes, gyms, sports complex, salons, beauty parlours, water parks, public parks shall remain closed during the curfew.
– All social, political, academic, entertainment and religious festivals or gatherings are prohibited during the lockdown.
– Weddings with a maximum of 50 guests will be allowed. The guests will have to produce wedding cards on checking and the hosts will have to obtain special passes.
– Public transport is allowed but with restrictions. Delhi Metro and buses will be allowed to operate at 50 per cent capacity. Auto rickshaws and cabs can operate with a maximum of two passengers, while maxi cabs will be allowed to ferry up to five passengers. The RTVs will be allowed a maximum of 11 passengers at one time.
– National/international sports events will be allowed without spectators.
– religious places will be allowed to open but no visitors allowed.
Delhi has 6,456 active cases and 262 deaths in last 24 hour
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